Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Simple Blogging: A Fantastic New E-Book

As the New Years Eve ball drops and kisses are exchanged, we look into the future and think back to the past year.  We often examine all aspects of our life, looking for successes, failures, and where we can improve.

How can this apply to blogging?

Regardless of where you find yourself in the "blogging resolution" spectrum, one thing is certain.  Even in 2011, time will continue to be of the essence.  We have to make the most out of those precious moments we get with our computer and the blogging community.  Why not learn a little from an expert on balancing the rewards of blogging with all other aspects of your life?

Enter Rachel Meeks, inspirational author of Small Notebook, a blog about living a more simple life.  Small Notebook is an inspirational and encouraging blog for women, with over 13,000 subscribers!!  In addition to maintaining her blog, she is a mother of two small children.  What better person to offer insight into blogging balance?

Full of great tips on streamlining the blogging process and eliminating distractions, Simple Blogging begins by helping you clarify your audience and your purpose as a blogger.  Some of the other topics addressed in Simple Blogging include writing, design, dealing with email, measuring success, and even a wonderful resource section full of helpful links.

As I read through Simple Blogging, I kept a separate document on Evernote, taking notes and answering the application questions.  When I finished the book, I had a crystal clear idea of where I want to take Articles From Addington in the New Year!  I also have many new resources to help me achieve my goals.

What are your blogging goals for the New Year?  

Disclosure:  I highly recommend Simple Blogging, so I became part of the Affiliate Program

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At December 29, 2010 at 5:00 PM , Blogger Sonia Valdez said...

Wonderful. Just bought it. At $8 bucks how can you go wrong. clicked on your link, so I hope you get credit for it.

At December 29, 2010 at 9:44 PM , Blogger Discovering the Me in Mommy said...

Very interesting!

At December 29, 2010 at 9:54 PM , Blogger Losing Brownies said...

ryc: Thanks for your comment on my last entry. I'm so afraid of going back into the classroom just because of how demanding it is. The joy of this job is that they are only looking for part time. They asked me back for a second interview so I'll have a lot to think about if they ask me to come aboard.

At December 29, 2010 at 10:30 PM , Blogger Jules said...

Hi Katie! Thank you so much for stopping by Ad Bits and following on Twitter too! I love this post! Must check it out because I think I need to re-balance my priorities. Sounds like this could help me out!

At December 30, 2010 at 3:37 PM , Blogger Elizabeth Lyng said...

I love Rachel Meeks, I've been a loyal follower for a long time. I think one of my goals is to set a specific time to blog; right now it's just random - sometimes at night, sometimes during naptime, sometimes during Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. A lot of it gets started and then goes unfinished because of that.
Just grabbed your button - it looks great!

At December 31, 2010 at 3:46 AM , Anonymous Tatter Scoops said...

This looks like exactly what I needed. Will be checking it out. I've been falling behind so badly in the bloggy world since I went back to work full time.

Hope your New Year will bring lots happiness and prosperity :)


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