Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Vacation: Relax, Recharge, Renew

So I went off the radar  as much as possible last week.  It. Was. Amazing.  I found myself with a new work calendar, and a random week off in September.  I know. {Jealous}

I made a secret pact with myself to DO absolutely nothing.  I did not make the usual optimistic To-Do.  I did not UNDO the mess created from starting school.  Basically, I DID as little as possible....with a one-year-old son.

Mr. Cheeks and I decided to ride the coattails of Hubby the traveling salesman (not a joke), and join him on his business trip to Orlando.  We had a blast!  So much so, that at one point I suggested that I "retire" from teaching, and that Mr. Cheeks and I travel the Southeast to keep him company.  And....rejected.  Especially when he saw all of the fun shopping we did and meals we ordered from the poolside restaurant.  You mean if you charge it to your room, you still have to pay???  Kidding.

Our trip began by visiting some dear friends that have moved to Florida.  We watched football, swam, and had a marathon weekend-long playdate with their two adorable daughters.  So, new mom moment.  I had no idea how much walking into a house of all new toys would bring JOY to my son.  He was entertained for hours.  Yet another justification for retirement, and visiting playrooms nationwide.

Then we went to a wonderful resort for the remainder of our stay.  Brief moment of confession:

Hubby signed us up for a two hour time share presentation to reduce costs.  I knew this was a bad idea.  Especially since the presentation was for a party of three....enter Mr. Cheeks.  To make a long story short, Mr. Cheeks benefitted by getting as many goldfish and animal crackers as his little belly would hold.  But eventually, even those delicious cheesy fish wouldn't do the trick.  Grand Finale?  Mr. Cheeks chucking a Weeble directly at the salesman's head, and him ducking to avoid being pegged square between the eyes.  Time. To. Go.

The pain ended quickly and we were back to the pool, with a funny story, and withOUT purchasing a time share.

So now, back to reality.  Also back to blogging!  Although it was wonderful to take a break from my second love, Mr. MacBook, I relaxed, recharged, and have found myself with some renewed ideas.


At September 28, 2010 at 8:13 PM , Blogger Ruth said...

sounds so fun! beautiful pictures too...

At September 28, 2010 at 9:56 PM , Blogger TheHouseWifeRookie said...

ah, time-share presentations! gotta love 'em! lol! Glad you had a fun week!! I think most of the county was in orlando with you!

At September 28, 2010 at 10:34 PM , Blogger Mama Hen said...

Oh my goodness what a fun time! I love that first picture! I have not seen Weebles since I was little! Have a great night!

Mama Hen

At September 29, 2010 at 7:33 AM , Blogger Discovering the Me in Mommy said...

Glad you had some time of refreshment!

New follower from MBC! =)
Stop by when you get a chance!

At September 29, 2010 at 8:25 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Hi newest follower from MBC :)

At September 29, 2010 at 9:27 AM , Blogger The Let's Talk! Mom said...

A beautiful blog.

I just joined as a follower. I came through Mama's Little NESTWORK.

Please follow back at www.TheLetsTalkMom.


At September 29, 2010 at 12:38 PM , Blogger Amy M. said...

Visiting from MBC! Cute blog!!!

Crafting by candlelight

At September 29, 2010 at 1:54 PM , Blogger Mrs. Werginz said...

I absolutely love the picture of Connor in front of the water foutnains at the pool...so cute! I forgot to ask how the timeshare talk was...hilarious about Connor throwing the weeble! You trained him well for the meeting!!

At September 29, 2010 at 5:38 PM , Blogger Leanne said...

To think ... I was in Orlando w/my family last week, and could have very possibly WALKED RIGHT PAST YOU!!! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog during my stay in the Nestwork today! It's absolutely lovely to meet you! I'm a follower now, so that definitely means I'll be back for more! (Oh no!!! Sorry!) ;)

At September 30, 2010 at 11:44 PM , Blogger Elizabeth Lyng said...

So glad you had a great vacation! His face in that last photo is cracking me up!


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