Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Creativity and SLEEP!

One of the most important goals in restoring sanity to a household after having a baby is the return of sleep.  Although a new little one most certainly turns the world upside down (and creatively trying to get a newborn to sleep takes on all kinds of crazy forms!), there are two tools that helped bring peace relatively quickly
 The Happiest Baby on the Block and Babywise.  

To me, there is comfort in reading a book and having some tips to try - especially as the bags under my eyes were continuing the grow, and the middle school band was anxiously awaiting my return to work!  Each mother and baby are completely different, although many other moms seem to have met with much success using these gems.  

A quick word about each:

A great method for calming your little one when they seem especially fussy, but you know they don't need feeding or changing.  Based on five words starting with "s" that are surprisingly easy to remember when all you want is SLEEP, the ideas bring quick relief to an upset baby.  There is also a DVD that is very helpful, as some of the ideas are hard to imagine without seeing them in action.  

Although Baby Wise is considered by some to be controversial, it seems to work for many babies.  The biggest obstacle for some seems to lie in defending your method to those around you who can't imagine waking up a sleeping baby.  Those same doubting helpers will bask in your glory when your baby is on a reliable schedule and smiles contently as they are drifting off to sleep for the night at a very young age.  

Whether a working or stay at home mom, everyone feels better and more able to enjoy their new little blessing with a little bit of rest.  Stay true to the methods, even when it may be easier to just give in, and soon you and your pillow will meet again....for more that 2 hours!



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